Welcome |
The Highland Park North Homeowners Association provides services for the 602 homes in the Highland Park North neighborhood, which is located off Heatherwilde Blvd and State Highway 45 in Travis County, Pflugerville, Texas.
Neighborhood News |
Dog Waste Stations
We are installing three additional Dog Waste Stations, hopefully by the end of February. Planned locations are shown below - Amenity Area near bike rack (new), trail near Gladstone walkway (new), trail near Windsor Castle walkway (new), and trail near Portchester Park (replacement). We are also contracting with a dog waste company to service the stations.
2024 National Night Out National Night Out on Tuesday was a great success. A lot of people came out and enjoyed the activities and delicious food. We had a visit from our Pflugerville police officers, which added to the fun. A big thank you to our Social Chair Anna and her committee for organizing such a great event!
Welcome New Neighbors |
Welcome to our new neighbors July-Sep
901 Dover Castle Lane 700 Portchester Castle Path 1028 Portchester Castle Path 18804 Alnwick Castle Drive 18828 Alnwick Castle Drive
725 Busleigh Castle Way
625 Fyvie Castle Court
900 Abbeyglen Castle Drive
804 Dover Castle Lane
18904 Huntingtower Castle Blvd
Architectural Reviews |
All exterior changes performed to your home and lot including, but not limited to roof replacement, fences, changing paint colors, solar panels, etc., require pre-approval from the ACC before work starts, unless specifically listed as an exception in the CC&R Supplemental Guidelines. Click for more information.
Yard of the Month |
Winter Holiday Decorating
Winners December 2024
801 Portchester Castle Path-Holiday Award
813 Windsor Castle Drive-Jingle Bell Award
820 Busleigh Castle Way-Griswold Award
1040 Pendragon Castle Dr-Winter Wonderland Award
18900 Carlisle Castle Ct-Neighborhood Choice Award
To view all 2024 YOM winners, click here. |
HPN Pool |
Closed For The Season |
Water Restrictions / Free Tools |
Mandatory Water Restrictions
Outdoor irrigation is limited to one-day-per-week for all water customers during Stage 1 restrictions. Irrigation by residential customers is allowed, before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m., on their designated week day according to the last digit of their address:
Monday: 0 or 1
Tuesday: 2 or 3
Wednesday: 4 or 5
Thursday: 6 or 7
Friday: 8 or 9
Customers that use a handheld hose with a positive shutoff nozzle, faucet-filled bucket, or a watering can (5 gallons or less) are permitted to extend their outdoor irrigation time until 10 a.m. on their designated day. Customers may also wash their personal vehicles, before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m. on their designated day, using a handheld hose equipped with a positive shutoff nozzle or handheld bucket. At any time, customers may water the ground around their foundation to prevent foundation cracking.
More info
New Sod Installation Watering
" (5) Notwithstanding the prohibitions in this section, irrigation of new landscape installation is permitted. In that event, irrigation may only occur during the hours permitted under subsection (A)(3) and in accordance with the following 30-day irrigation schedule: (a) For the first ten days after installation, once a day; (b) For day 11 through 20 after installation, once every other day; and (c) For day 21 through 30 after installation, once every third day"
Sign up for free weekly outdoor watering recommendations
LCRA has partnered with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to offer the Water My Yard program, which provides recommendations on how long to run irrigation systems efficiently while maintaining healthy lawns.
Did you know? For at least 20 weeks a year, no watering is required in Central Texas.
WaterMyYard uses your home or business address, irrigation system information and local weather information to recommend outdoor irrigation runtimes for your area. Fill out the simple online form to receive a weekly email or text message updates on optimal watering times.
Monitor your household water use
City of Pflugerville customers have access to a free digital portal, WaterSmart, to view detailed information about water use. You can reach the portal on your mobile device or web browser at pflugervilletx.watersmart.com. To register for this free service, just enter your billing account number and email address. You can then access all of your utility data, receive personalized water conservation tips, use the Find & Fix a leak tool, or chat with our Water Conservation team.
Important Reminders |
HPN needs volunteers for the Social and other committees. Events like our National Night Out, Block Parties, Annual Pool Party and Easter Eggstravaganza are only possible because volunteers plan and organize them. If you can help with future events, please contact the the HPN Social Committee.
Are you receiving our emails and meeting announcements If you haven't registered, please click here or on the "Register" button on the top left of the Home Page. If you are already registered, please confirm the email address listed in your profile is correct.